What acne says about your health? There are many different causes to acne. And in many cases you don’t realise that your internal factors can have a direct affect on your complexion. These include but not limited to how much you sleep, how much stress you’re under and what air you’re breathing in. Remember great skin comes from taking care of your self both internally. As well asl what you put on your skin.
What cases acne?
The production of excess sebum( oil) results in acne. Which is an oil that stops the skin from drying out. This oil clumps together with dead skin cells within your pores, causing an acne lesion or spot.
These lesions vary in size and severity. And form when bacteria enters the pores. As a result triggering an inflammatory response from the immune system.
What acne says about your health?
- Forehead – Most often poor digestive issues and stress will cause acne on the forehead. But it can be also triggered by other factors such as hats, scars sticking to the skin ( rubbing and causing friction)
- Cheeks – The triggers of acne to this part of your face is mostly surface bacteria and poor dental hygiene. Remember your cheeks often come in to contact with cell phones, make up brushes, pillow cases and most recently face masks.
- T-Zone – Acne on this area is linked to gastrointestinal imbalances or food allergens.
- Chin – Breakouts on the chin are hormonal.
- Body – chest, hack, buttocks, thighs – Acne on the body mostly caused by hormonal imbalances and genetics. The type of clothing you wear can also cause frictions, irritation that leads to breakouts.
To learn more about your skin and how you can prevent or manage your acne, why not visit us at our Oxford Street clinic? My Expert team will start with a thorough assessment of your skin.
How to book an appointment?
As the first step of your skin journey at Skin Perfection, you will be invited to attend a no obligations consultation. This will give you the opportunity to get a good understanding of your skin.
Following your assessment a personalised treatment plan will be recommended to address your skin concerns. During your first meeting you’ll receive all the information and knowledge you’ll need to keep your skin healthy.
Contact our team today to book an appointment.