You may’ve thought once you finish high school you’ll also leave pimples and acne breakouts behind. But were you wrong? Even if you’re lucky and don’t suffer from adult acne, hormonal acne is a very common condition amongst women who still ovulate. If you’re no longer in your teens but experiencing regular monthly acne flare ups; typical during your time of ovulation; you most likely suffering from hormonal acne.
Hormonal acne
For some women, hormonal fluctuations that come along with ovulation and getting their period can also cause acne flares. These flare ups are typically present on the lower side of the face. And may last for a couple of days in the running up to your period.
Hormonal acne is not a medical term, but is commonly used by the media and on the internet to describe acne. In many cases, acne starts in your teens while going through hormonal changes during puberty. Those who are experiencing other hormonal changes; such as pregnancy or the menopause; can also suffer with acne breakouts.
Acne during ovulation
Higher levels of androgens and estrogens ;that occur between a menstrual period and ovulation causes; an accumulation of sebum and keratin in follicles. As a result you’ll see more white or black heads. This reservoir of sebum and keratin also provides a growth medium for the bacteria.
The good news is that there are treatments available for acne, especially when it’s related to your cycle. Your practitioner may recommend a topical retinoid like tretinoin or an oral retinoid like Isotretinoin, which is ideal for treating severe inflammatory acne.
To learn more about your skin and how can you prevent acne why not visit us at the Clinic where my Expert team will be able to advise you further?
How to book an appointment?
As the first step of your skin journey at Skin Perfection, you will be invited to attend a no obligations consultation. This will give you the opportunity to get a good understanding of your skin.
During your first meeting you’ll receive all the information and knowledge you’ll need to keep your skin healthy. Finally to address your skin concerns your practitioner will recommend you a personalised treatment plan.
Contact our team today to book an appointment.