Is laser hair removal effective to prevent pilonidal cyst? Suffering from pilonidal cyst can not only cause pain and discomfort but can affect your self confidence massively. Luckily you don’t have to live with the condition and there are procedures like laser hair removal that are extremely effective in preventing the condition or treating the area pre/post operation.
What is pilonidal cyst?
A pilonidal cyst is an abnormal pocket in the skin that usually contains hair and skin debris. Almost always located near the tailbone at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. They can sometimes drain and disappear on their own. However if you have chronic pilonidal cysts, your symptoms may come and go over time.
Is laser hair removal effective to prevent pilonidal cyst?
Long-term recurrence of a pilonidal cycst can be reduced with laser hair removal. This is because we can treat the ingrowing hair which can cause infections. Laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways of treating and preventing ingrowing hairs. This is because the laser goes straight to root cause by destroying the follicle. Therefore it prevents hair getting trapped and irritation to your skin. It’s safe, virtually painless and can be permanent! It works by emitting short pulses of light in to the hair follicle, causing it to stop growing hair and to close.
To find out if laser hair removal is suitable for you, why not book a consultation with my Expert team, who will take care of you every step of the way.
How to book your consultation and what happens during your first visit?
As the first step of your hair removal journey at Skin Perfection London, we request that you attend a no obligations consultation and skin test. Firstly, this gives you the opportunity to learn more about the process. How does laser hair removal work? Why is it effective?
How many treatments you need? What’s the best laser for your skin type? How to prepare your skin for the treatment? And what to be aware of before undergoing laser hair removal. Finally to confirm suitability we’ll carry out a quick patch test.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at SP. Our highly trained and skilled aesthetic practitioners have many years of experience, so you can be confident you’re in the best hands. And, you can be sure, you’ll always have a stress-free relaxing experience.
Contact our team today to book an appointment.