When it comes to laser hair removal there are two things that first come to mind. First is that the treatment is painful. And so you be apprehensive to give it a try. And the second one is the treatment being expensive. At first it may seem so, however when you break it down for each session and each area you’re treating you’ll find that the cost are actually super affordable and can even beat the price of waxing. That’s right. I’ll explain how permanent laser hair removal can save you time and money.
Laser hair removal at glance
Laser destroys your hair follicles in order to prevent future hair growth. For a successful treatment you are recommended to complete at least a course of eight sessions with some patients requiring a few top ups after this, but for majority of patients no treatment needed for months and even years. In order to be able to capture all your hair the treatment is repeated at regular intervals of 4 weeks on facial areas and 6 weeks on body areas.
How permanent laser hair removal can save you time and money?
Well not only the treatment will save you time but also you will save money in the long run too. But how may you ask? Well here it is.
Save time with laser hair removal
With any other hair removal methods you are bound to repeat it for a life time. Shaving and hair removal creams as often as every couple of days. Waxing and epilating every couple of weeks. But with laser hair removal you’ll only have to take time out of your busy life only for about eight to eleven times. And may be once in every couple of month or once a year after that. So you get the picture, no more evenings spent with shaving, time wasted on holidays prepping a hair free skin. And we haven’t even touched on the pain, ingrowing hair and shaving rashes that will disappear with laser hair removal.
Laser hair removal can be cheaper than waxing and shaving
How could you possibly save money with laser hair removal? Well while razor may cost you only a few pounds, they make the shopping list every month for the rest of your adult life. And as you know a lot of small spendings can add up to a large amount throughout the decades. The same is applicable to waxing.
While laser makes a larger investment for a course, you won’t have to spend the same amount in the long run. And did you know that most clinics have amazing deals on hair removal, where in general the larger the area you treat the bigger discounts you get?
For example at Skin Perfection London, when you purchase a full body package your treatment work out £21 per areas per session. Now if you work it out waxing for full legs is at least double that. So the savings may not be obvious right away, but breaking down the value of each session, you’ll be amazed. And laser will be an investment you’ll never regret.
To find out if laser hair removal is suitable for you, why not book a consultation with my Expert team, who will take care of you every step of the way.
How to book your consultation and what happens during your first visit?
As the first step of your hair removal journey at Skin Perfection London, we request that you attend a no obligations consultation and skin test. Firstly, this gives you the opportunity to learn more about the process. How does laser hair removal work? Why is it effective?
How many treatments you need? What’s the best laser for your skin type? How to prepare your skin for the treatment? And what to be aware of before undergoing laser hair removal. Finally to confirm suitability we’ll carry out a quick patch test.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at SP. Our highly trained and skilled aesthetic practitioners have many years of experience, so you can be confident you’re in the best hands. And, you can be sure, you’ll always have a stress-free relaxing experience.
Contact our team today to book an appointment.