sun damage Archives | Skin Perfection

How does hyperpigmentation start?

Have you noticed age spots, freckles, darkened patches or melasma appearing on your face? Are these pigmented patches even appear on your body like the upper back, arms, legs or buttocks? How does hyperpigmentation start? And what treatments are able to lift these or prevent them? How does hyperpigmentation read more

Can you prevent and reverse sun damage?

With the long and cold winter months nearly behind us, a sunny escape may be on your mind. But not so much is sun damage. But who can blame you if you just wanted to soak up that Vitamin D and enjoy the warm rays of the sun. Can read more

How long does sun damage take to appear?

Have you been noticing discoloured patches, dry skin and more wrinkles recently? Yet, other people at your age, have a more balanced, radiant and younger looking skin, may be even no wrinkles? How about your skincare and sun protection? Have you been using sun screen daily? Or is something read more

What helps sun damaged skin?

Have you been over indulging in the sun? Or used sun beds to keep up a golden tan during the winter months?  But all of a sudden you’re noticing discolouration and pigmented patches appearing on your skin? Sun damage is real and it can take years before it shows read more

What sunbeds do to your skin?

Do you want to feel healthier, more attractive and confident with a bronzed glow? Are you guilty of indulging under the artificial rays of sunbeds time to time? Or are you a regular visitor at the tanning salon? Well either way this article is definitely for you. So many read more

Can skin ageing be reversed

Are you worried about wrinkles and fine lines forming on your forehead? Or around the eyes area? Can skin ageing be reversed? Well, you  can never completely slow down the ageing process itself. However there are treatments and products that you can help you prevent the signs of premature read more

Best sun damage treatments

For most patients sun damage occurs at their teenage years. And let’s not even get me started on young patients who refuse to wear sun protection  because they insist on getting their skin bronzed and evenly tanned. What a miss conception and what a dangerous step this could be. read more

How does sun damage your skin?

How does sun damage your skin? What exactly happens to your skin and does it affect everyone? While you expose your skin to sun light without protection, the damaged pigment cells will leak pigment into the deeper layers of your skin. On top of that the sun’s UV ( read more

Which hormone causes pigmentation?

Have you ever wondered which hormone causes pigmentation? The underlying hormone responsible for triggering the melanocytes is melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH). This hormone increases the production of melanin, which is responsible for darkening your skin. What is melasma? Melasma is a form of hyperpigmentation that’s triggered by  UV light read more

How to layer skincare?

How to layer skincare properly? Which are the must ingredients and products that you should incorporate in to your daily routine? So that you can keep your skin healthy, glowing, and prevent premature ageing, breakouts and other skin damage? With so many different steps no wonder if you are read more

Can pigmentation come back?

Can pigmentation come back once treated? It depends on your treatment approach. If you’ve been experimenting with short term solutions rather than address the root cause. your pigmentation will keep coming back. That’s why its super important that you seek advice from a trained professional or Dermatologist.  And never read more

How do you reverse sun damage?

With summer only a few days behind us your skin may still hold the painful reminder of the hours spent under the sun. But what can you do to restore your skin’s healthy glow? And how do you reverse sun damage? First of all we can all agree on read more

Can sun damage cause itchy skin?

The answer is definitely a yes. Sun damage can cause itchy skin. When you think of the good, old, sunny holidays how many times have your skin burned to the point which left you uncomfortable, in pain and red like a lobster? Not to mention the itch that accompanied read more

Can sun damage be reversed?

Sun damage can cause serious skin conditions. Therefore you should always take it seriously.  And do everything to prevent it in the first place. But where does that leave you if you already noticed pigmentation and discolouration? Or may noticed dryness or premature ageing as the result of over read more

How do you fix sun damaged skin?

The best way to avoid sun damage is always prevention. But let’s be honest, in most cases the damage happens at a young age. At the age where we never really consider that besides the golden tan, the sun can do serious damage to our skin. Although you can’t read more

How to protect your skin from sun damage?

Finally the summer  we’ve been longing for have arrived. And who can blame you if you just want to soak up the warmth and light of the sun? Starved of freedom, sun shine and holidays the temptation is bigger than ever to just lay there and enjoy the comforting read more

Top 5 Summer Skincare tips

With the change of weather a whole list of questions and skin care challenges arise. Hot weather can bring it’s own threats to your skin and you almost have to work harder to keep your skin free of breakouts and protect from sun damage. But don’t worry it’s not read more

Is sun damage reversible?

We all know the feeling when the warm and light of the sun finally creeps up on us. And it’s nearly impossibly to resist the temptation. Especially if you live in London. Sun exposure is a luxury! And our first thought isn’t about sun damage. But rather how can read more

Sun damage from driving?

Did you know that you can suffer sun damage from driving? That’s right! The sun’s damaging rays can still pass through the window putting you at risk of sunburn or other skin conditions, especially on the right side of your body. Because your right side is more exposed it read more

What causes sun damage?

Years of sun exposure can have a damaging effect on your skin. Although the answer may be obvious, it’s not something you tend to think about until after you reach a more mature age. What causes sun damage? What is sun damage? Is it preventable? And is it reversible? read more

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Have you had enough of acne, scarring, pigmentation, fine lines and other blemishes? Are you struggling to keep your skin clear of imperfections? Keep up to date with our latest skincare tips and insider news and enjoy a renewed confidence by taking charge of your skin.
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